Curriculum Vitae

UGC 2015 Award winner
Current Affiliation
Professional Experience
Journal Editorial Board Member
Journal Peer Reviewing
International Conference Session Chairs
Other Activities
Current Affiliation
Department of Civil Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Chittagong ‑ 4349, Bangladesh.
Heriot ‑ Watt University, UK
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, 2011
Thesis Title: Modelling of Geobags for River Bank Protection
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Master of Engineering in Water Engineering and Management, 2005
Thesis Title: Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Mun River Basin, Thailand
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental, 2003
Thesis Title: Water supply, Sanitation and Solid waste Management of selected slums in Dhaka City
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
BSc in Civil Engineering, 2000
Thesis Title: Cost-effective analysis of concrete by using different types of coarse aggregates
Professional Experience
Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (July 2005 to till date).
Chairman, Center for River, Harbor & Landslide Research, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (June 2015 to July 2017 and July 2019 to August 2021) [As an additional responsibility].
Head, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (August 2017 to August 2019) [As an additional responsibility].
Assistant Engineer, Integrated Food security Program (IFSP) project at the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
(May 2001 to August 2003).
Structural Design Engineer, Shahidullah and Associates Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh, (May 2000 to May 2001).
James Watt scholarship for conducting PhD in Civil & Offshore Engineering, Heriot‑Watt University, UK (2007 ‑ 2010).
IHE-UNESCO scholarship for pursuing the Online Course Integrated River Basin Management held at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands (2005).
Dutch scholarship for pursuing Masters in Water Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2003 ‑ 2005).
Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore, Bangladesh scholarship to pursue undergraduate study in the Civil Engineering Department, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh (1995 ‑ 2000).
Best Poster Awards
ERPem Industry Evening Seminars and PG Student Poster (October 2009), in the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. [download poster]
Second EDEM User Conference 2009 (August 2009), organized by DEM Solutions, Edinburgh, UK.
Heriot-Watt Postgraduate Research Conference (June 2008), in Heriot ‑ Watt University, UK.
Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council Technical Committee 14 Sustainable Infrastructure, 2020
Editorial Board Member
3.4th International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2018) proceedings, CUET, Bangladesh.
2. 2nd International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2014) proceedings, CUET, Bangladesh. [link link]
1.International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE)
Journal Peer Reviewing
River Research and Applications, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Science of the Total Environment, Published by ELSEVIER
Water Science and Technology, Published by IWA Publishing [Link]
Water Management, Published by Institution of Civil Engineers
IWA World Water Congress (Busan2012) [Link]
African Journal of Agricultural Research
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (IJWREE)
National and International conference organizing team
1. Conference chair, 1st National Conference on Water Resources Engineering (NCWRE), 21-22 March 2018, CUET, Chittagong Bangladesh.
2. Technical secretary, 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (ICACE 2018), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
International Conference Session Chairs
5. 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020) held at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) on 7-9 February, 2020.
4. 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2019, 25-27 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
3. 'Water Resources Engineering' (Session-1),4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (ICACE 2018), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2. 'Water Resources Engineering' (Session-3), 3rd International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016),21-23 December, 2016, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh[Link ].
1. 'Water Resources Engineering-VI' (20th Technical Session) , 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2014), 14~16 February 2014, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh [Link].
Keynote and invited Speaker
5. Status of Sustainable Infrastructure in Bangladesh. ACECC TC-14 Seminar at ECM in Washington, DC. September 24, 2021. Venue: Virtual (Zoom). Time: 05:15-06:45 (Washington, DC Time). Status of Sustainable Infrastructure in ACECC Countries. Moderator: William E. Kelly ASCE Chair TC 14
4. Towards Sustainability in the Water Resource Engineering, 10December2015 [Link]
3. Challenges in Sustainable Water Resource Engineering, 08 March, 2014 [link]
2. Water and Energy, 22 March 2014, CWASA, Ctg,
1. Hydraulic performances of riprap and geobag revetments, 54th IEB Convention, January 28, 2013 at IEB Center, Chittagong.
Other Activities
Organization committee member of the ‘Third International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS ’10), Edinburgh, UK.
2. Organized training program on 'Application of numerical modeling in the Water Resource Engineering', 02-04 February 2017, CRHLSR,CUET. [Link]
1. Organized training program on 'Integrated River and Harbor Management', 21-23 September 2016, CRHLSR,CUET.[Link]
Participation in the Research Training and Development Courses EDU, Heriot Watt University during 2007 to 2009 .
Participation in the CWG – WASH Workshop 2006 on ‘Solid waste, health and the Millennium Development Goals’, held during 1‑5 February 2006, Kolkata, India.
Participation in the IFS workshop on ‘Development Scientific Proposals Seeking Grants’ organized by Kathmandu University and Development Network Pvt. Ltd. In collaboration with International Foundation for Science (IFS), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) held during January 9‑10, 2006, in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Successfully completed the Online Course Integrated River Basin Management held at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands during September‑December, 2005.
Participation in the training program arranged by International Training Network (ITN) Bangladesh (2000) on ‘Low cost water supply and waste management’.
Professional Experience
Journal Editorial Board Member
Journal Peer Reviewing
International Conference Session Chairs
Other Activities
Current Affiliation
Department of Civil Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Chittagong ‑ 4349, Bangladesh.
Heriot ‑ Watt University, UK
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, 2011
Thesis Title: Modelling of Geobags for River Bank Protection
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Master of Engineering in Water Engineering and Management, 2005
Thesis Title: Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Mun River Basin, Thailand
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental, 2003
Thesis Title: Water supply, Sanitation and Solid waste Management of selected slums in Dhaka City
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
BSc in Civil Engineering, 2000
Thesis Title: Cost-effective analysis of concrete by using different types of coarse aggregates
Professional Experience
Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (July 2005 to till date).
Chairman, Center for River, Harbor & Landslide Research, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (June 2015 to July 2017 and July 2019 to August 2021) [As an additional responsibility].
Head, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (August 2017 to August 2019) [As an additional responsibility].
Assistant Engineer, Integrated Food security Program (IFSP) project at the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
(May 2001 to August 2003).
Structural Design Engineer, Shahidullah and Associates Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh, (May 2000 to May 2001).
James Watt scholarship for conducting PhD in Civil & Offshore Engineering, Heriot‑Watt University, UK (2007 ‑ 2010).
IHE-UNESCO scholarship for pursuing the Online Course Integrated River Basin Management held at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands (2005).
Dutch scholarship for pursuing Masters in Water Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2003 ‑ 2005).
Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore, Bangladesh scholarship to pursue undergraduate study in the Civil Engineering Department, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh (1995 ‑ 2000).
Best Poster Awards
ERPem Industry Evening Seminars and PG Student Poster (October 2009), in the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. [download poster]
Second EDEM User Conference 2009 (August 2009), organized by DEM Solutions, Edinburgh, UK.
Heriot-Watt Postgraduate Research Conference (June 2008), in Heriot ‑ Watt University, UK.
Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council Technical Committee 14 Sustainable Infrastructure, 2020
Editorial Board Member
3.4th International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2018) proceedings, CUET, Bangladesh.
2. 2nd International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2014) proceedings, CUET, Bangladesh. [link link]
1.International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE)
Journal Peer Reviewing
River Research and Applications, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Science of the Total Environment, Published by ELSEVIER
Water Science and Technology, Published by IWA Publishing [Link]
Water Management, Published by Institution of Civil Engineers
IWA World Water Congress (Busan2012) [Link]
African Journal of Agricultural Research
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (IJWREE)
National and International conference organizing team
1. Conference chair, 1st National Conference on Water Resources Engineering (NCWRE), 21-22 March 2018, CUET, Chittagong Bangladesh.
2. Technical secretary, 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (ICACE 2018), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
International Conference Session Chairs
5. 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020) held at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) on 7-9 February, 2020.
4. 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2019, 25-27 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
3. 'Water Resources Engineering' (Session-1),4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (ICACE 2018), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2. 'Water Resources Engineering' (Session-3), 3rd International Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016),21-23 December, 2016, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh[Link ].
1. 'Water Resources Engineering-VI' (20th Technical Session) , 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2014), 14~16 February 2014, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh [Link].
Keynote and invited Speaker
5. Status of Sustainable Infrastructure in Bangladesh. ACECC TC-14 Seminar at ECM in Washington, DC. September 24, 2021. Venue: Virtual (Zoom). Time: 05:15-06:45 (Washington, DC Time). Status of Sustainable Infrastructure in ACECC Countries. Moderator: William E. Kelly ASCE Chair TC 14
4. Towards Sustainability in the Water Resource Engineering, 10December2015 [Link]
3. Challenges in Sustainable Water Resource Engineering, 08 March, 2014 [link]
2. Water and Energy, 22 March 2014, CWASA, Ctg,
1. Hydraulic performances of riprap and geobag revetments, 54th IEB Convention, January 28, 2013 at IEB Center, Chittagong.
Other Activities
Organization committee member of the ‘Third International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS ’10), Edinburgh, UK.
2. Organized training program on 'Application of numerical modeling in the Water Resource Engineering', 02-04 February 2017, CRHLSR,CUET. [Link]
1. Organized training program on 'Integrated River and Harbor Management', 21-23 September 2016, CRHLSR,CUET.[Link]
Participation in the Research Training and Development Courses EDU, Heriot Watt University during 2007 to 2009 .
Participation in the CWG – WASH Workshop 2006 on ‘Solid waste, health and the Millennium Development Goals’, held during 1‑5 February 2006, Kolkata, India.
Participation in the IFS workshop on ‘Development Scientific Proposals Seeking Grants’ organized by Kathmandu University and Development Network Pvt. Ltd. In collaboration with International Foundation for Science (IFS), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) held during January 9‑10, 2006, in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Successfully completed the Online Course Integrated River Basin Management held at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands during September‑December, 2005.
Participation in the training program arranged by International Training Network (ITN) Bangladesh (2000) on ‘Low cost water supply and waste management’.